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The field is the governing agency of the particle. 

- Albert Einstein

Einstein was asked how it felt to be the smartest man alive... He replied "I don't know, you'll have to ask Nikola Tesla."

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.

In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy. 

Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies. 

- Albert Einstein

Clinical Praxis™ Diagnostics

Biofield Analysis™ is Biocommunication

Biofield is the scientific term adopted by the National Institutes of Health to describe the body's energy field.

When we look at the body from a material perspective it is made of discrete parts, whether we adopt a scale of systems, organs, tissues, cells, organelles, molecules, atoms, or Planck units...

To determine an accurate overview of the body's material contents, we would need to remove parts for measurement of the levels of many thousands of components...

Akin to the Heisenberg Uncertaintly Principle of Quantum Physics, we cannot measure the blood, for example, without affecting it...

In contrast, fields interpenetrate and summate at all fractal scales...

Fields at the level of the organism carry the energy and information characteristics of the organs and cells that contribute to them...

They are a real time fractal holographic representation of not merely the state of the material components of the body, but a summation that includes all of the activities and interactions as well...

Every chemical reaction is a quantum event with a field that is asymptotic to infinity...

Every electron carries a quantum dynamic potential to appear anywhere in the body field (which is infinite in extent) without passing through the space in between.

In Western science, we are accustomed to the ability to read the field dynamics of the heart's EKG, the brain's EEG, the muscle's EMG, the retina's ERG, and the EOG of the extra-ocular muscles among other functional energetic measurements of the living organism...

On a more subtle level, Professor Fritz Popp has measured the dynamics of coherent cell to cell communication across vast tissue distances of thousands of cell diameters in the Ultraviolet frequency range...

Remote viewing and remote healing experiments demonstrate quantum effects thousands of miles away when veridical perception or remote healing is achieved...

The source of our methods originally stems from systems of German Diagnostic Electroacupuncture:

  • In 1953, Rheinhold Voll, a German Dentist who became qualified as an Acupuncturist and Medical Doctor, discovered Medication Testing using his EAV system... Impedence measurments at over 800 electroacupuncture points were correlated with clinically documented lesions in remote areas of the body to map out the holographic projection of the body's interior structure on the skin's surface... A minimum of 3 corresponding lesions were required to confirm each point...

  • Bioelectronic Functions Diagnosis developed as a simplification of EAV, centering on measuring and balancing the CMP points near the beginning or end of each meridian or electrodermal vessel on each side of the fingers and toes. These Control Measurement Points provide the best summation of the function of each Meridian or vessel...

  • In 1979, Helmut Schimmel developed the Vegatest Method, allowing biocommunication through a single electroacupuncture point, often on either the Lymph vessel on the thumb, or on the Liver Meridian on the big toe... 

NES Health

The Founder of NES, Professor Peter Frazer, was trained as a Doctor or Traditional Chinese Medicine in England...

He returned to his native Australia and founded the first University program to train Acupuncturists in 1973, one of the first in the West...

He had a lifelong fascination with the measurement of resonance in the body field, developed through application of the Vegatest Method.

His 30 years of exploratory research led to the formation of the NES company which now has over 5,000 practitioners worldwide... 

The NES model is based on the information resonance patterns he meticulously observed and mapped in the Biofield.

With the NES system, we are able to analyze the body field of a client anywhere in the world with a voice sample via a smartphone.


Dr. Vaughn R. Cook is an American pioneer in the field of biological response testing...

His Zyto system, founded in 2004 provides connection via internet for analysis of the body's responses to 4 diagnostic levels of information patterns in our proprietary Biofield Analysis™ expert system.

Remedies that balance the detected stress patterns can then be identified.

The Zyto system is also used for biofeedback of stress frequencies in the voice.

This system, called EVOX, changes the associated meaning of frequencies at a cellular level, since the frequencies are fed back to the body electronically via the meridians...

The result is called Perception Reframing.

Transgenerational Perception Reframing is an essential element at some point in each person's Accelerated Self Healing process...

Biofield Analysis™

Based on years of electrodermal testing since 1985, I developed the ability to efficiently feel a client's response pattern as a Medical Empath functioning as their surrogate, using a modification of Dr. Omura's patented Bidigital O-Ring muscle test... 

About 10% of my client consultations are still local here on the Island of Hawai'i, so I have the opportunity to cross-reference my manual test results with electrophysiological measurements.

After more than three decades of developing the method, surrogate bio-kinesiology remains my gold standard for reliable remote Biofield testing...

If you are a holistic health practitioner and would like to access our systems, services, training and Functional Formulations™ for your practice, complete the online application form liinked below and we'll talk...

Practitioner Application

Self Testing...

How can you learn to quickly and easily test yourself at home for your Biofield response to medications, remedies, essences, supplements, foods, skin care products, and the many other questions you may have about your body's compatibility and energetic preferences, which can sometimes change from month to month?

The first key is to practice any method by holding a sincere interest in discovering the truth, rather than simply confirming any mental or emotional bias you may hold in your mind...

With that firmly held intent of seeking Truth, the second key is to explore and practice enough times to find at least one of these methods that works for you, so you can quickly and easily amplify the information already present in your body's biofield whenever you need to...


There are several methods you can explore for accessing your body's biocommunication system through your own muscle responses for Med testing...

The finger muscles are ideal for self testing...

You are looking for a change in your muscle strength or a shift from relaxed to locked...

In order to calibrate your body's responses, I recommend practicing with two samples.

As a standard "Stress Source" sample, you can use the positive pole of an alkaline battery. A triple A (AAA) battery is a nice convenient size to keep handy for this purpose.

A small sample of Black Tourmaline is a good choice for a "Stress Absorber" sample.

You can certainly explore all this on your own, but if you are interested, I am also putting together a kit of all the materials I suggest for exploring and practicing these four methods of biocommunication...

Medical Dowsing

Dowsing rods work, but they are awkward to use for Medical dowsing... With practice and clear intent, the use of pendulum dowsing is a solution that works for many people...

If you feel you are controlling the pendulum with your intent, try some practice with your eyes closed to open the visual feedback loop...

As with Kinesiology and Radionic methods, you will want to practice with some known stimuli to calibrate your responses...

The "Stress" and "Absorber" samples are ideal for this application...

With all of these methods, you can also practice mental testing of statements that you know are either true or false, such as "My name is [your name]" vs "My name is [not your name]".

A Black Tourmaline pendulum can also serve as your "Stress Absorber" for calibrating muscle testing or stick plate testing...


In Radionics, biofeedback is obtained through a stick plate...

You can use any smooth surface, like glass or plexiglass for this purpose, without needing the whole Radionic apparatus...

You rub your fingertip back and forth across the smooth surface as you ask or contemplate your question, or as you touch a sample of the substance you are testing for compatibility.

When you feel a shift from a smooth feeling to a sticky response, that is your indicator of a stress...

As with kinesiology, I recommend practicing with calibration samples.

Black Tourmaline and the positive pole of an alkaline battery work well...

For home use, the Shungite stick plate shown above is a nice choice, since it also improves the energy field of the room it is in...

Coin Toss

This is an indirect method, but I include it for fun, especially in application to Choice questions like should I do "A" or "B"?

The key to this method is that when the coin toss goes against your intuitive answer, you will want to go for the "best 2 out of 3". 

When you find yourself doing that, you have your answer already!

Other oracular methods such as I Ching are best understood this way as well, as a method for stimulating contemplation, rather than obtaining "the answer."

Of course, if you feel drawn to it anyway, you can still go ahead with the next two tosses, and see how that turns out. 

If it confirms the first toss, and you again feel the desire to 'up the ante' to the best 3 out of 5, you again have the opportunity to realize your inner answer...

World-Class Coach & Trainer, David Wygant, the real life inspiration for the Movie "Hitch" has agreed to share his experiences with self-healing as he begins his journey with Accelerated Self Healing™.

Watch for future updates as David makes progress...

© Copyclaim 2023

Remedy Match LLC, DBA Healing Oasis

[email protected]

PO Box 126 Hilo, Hawai'i-Kingdom [96721]

+1 (808) 217-9647

[*"The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."] T.D.C.