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All Matter is frozen Light. 

Let there be light.

- Genesis 1:3

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.

The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them. 

- Albert Einstein

Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies. 

- Albert Einstein

The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them. 

- Albert Einstein

Photobiomodulation Research on

Eyes & Vision

Red Light Photobiomodulation Research:

Active range for mitochondrial activation via absorption by Cytochrome C Oxidase, which is the terminal enzyme of the mammalian respiratory chain:

Red: 630 to 660 nm

Near Infrared: 810 to 830 nm


Screens & Indoor Light:

Shrew Study with Flicker: Flickering blue light promotes refractive decreases such as myopia, and upon returning to colony lighting, refractions may return to emmetropia, suggesting that flicker light may be closely linked to signaling defocus.

Title: The wavelength composition and temporal modulation of ambient lighting strongly affect refractive development in young tree shrews.

Gawne TJ, Siegwart JT Jr, Ward AH, Norton TT Exp Eye Res. 2017 Feb; 155():75-84. [PubMed] [Ref list]


Note: Over 50% of the photonic energy of sunlight is in the Infrared range, which structures living water to cleanse body tissues and provide direct metabolic energy bypassing ATP production, while selected frequencies in red and IR also activate mitochondrial metabolism and daytime mitochondrial production of melatonin which is highly protective.

Article: Does Sunlight provide Red Light Therapy? Health Benefits of the Sun Explained. gembared.com/blogs/musings/does-sunlight-provide-red-light-therapy-photobiomodulation-from-the-sun-explained

Outdoor Light:

Increased outdoor activities are effective to prevent myopia occurrence and to retard shift of refractive error from myopia, but not to decrease progression of already myopic eyes.

Review: Time spent in outdoor activities in relation to myopia prevention and control: a meta-analysis and systematic review.

Xiong S, Sankaridurg P, Naduvilath T, Zang J, Zou H, Zhu J, Lv M, He X, Xu X Acta Ophthalmol. 2017 Sep; 95(6):551-566. [PubMed] [Ref list]

Red Light:


Human Study:

Title: Effects of 650nm Low Energy Light on Human Retina and Choroid Microcirculation: Effect of 650nm Low Energy Light on Macular Microcirculation in Myopia Prevention and Control Human Study

Source: Central South University (China) (2020-2021) Email: [email protected]

Summary: 650 nm irradiation of retina effects on macular microcirculation; tracking axial length and myopia (under -6 Diopters)

Link: ichgcp.net/clinical-trials-registry/NCT04604405

Other Primates:

Monkey Study: Red light may alter refractive development by decreasing elongation of vitreous chamber and increasing choroidal thickness, suggesting that long-wavelength light with narrow band may retard axial elongation induced by hyperopic defocus and form deprivation, probably due to activating signals linked to myopic defocus.

Title: Narrow-band, long-wavelength lighting promotes hyperopia and retards vision-induced myopia in infant rhesus monkeys.

Hung LF, Arumugam B, She Z, Ostrin L, Smith EL 3rd Exp Eye Res. 2018 Nov; 176():147-160. [PubMed] [Ref list]

Monkey Study: Long wavelengths are not closely associated with promotion of myopia development in an infant monkey model Title: Effects of Long-Wavelength Lighting on Refractive Development in Infant Rhesus Monkeys. Smith EL 3rd, Hung LF, Arumugam B, Holden BA, Neitz M, Neitz J Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2015 Oct; 56(11):6490-500. [PubMed] [Ref list]

Other mammals:

Shrew Study: In postnatal refractive development, long-wavelength light may cause similar refractive error to that in myopia. Title: The hyperopic effect of narrow-band long-wavelength light in tree shrews increases non-linearly with duration.

Ward AH, Norton TT, Huisingh CE, Gawne TJ Vision Res. 2018 May; 146-147():9-17. [PubMed] [Ref list]


Chick study: Red light can promote progressive myopia and blue light may cause progressive hyperopia in chick model, and such inductions can be reversed to hyperopia and myopia if the red and blue lights are switched, suggesting that manipulation of chromaticity may produce beneficial effects to myopia. [Note: low light levels may show opposite results due to hormesis effect; also the color of general daytime illumination has an accommodative effect not present during sleep.]

Title: Progressive myopia or hyperopia can be induced in chicks and reversed by manipulation of the chromaticity of ambient light.

Foulds WS, Barathi VA, Luu CD Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2013 Dec 9; 54(13):8004-12. [PubMed] [Ref list]

Cranial Nerves:

Facial Nerve:

Title: Photobiomodulation at a wavelength of 633 nm leads to faster functional recovery than 804 nm after facial nerve injury

Link: doi.org/10.1002/jbio.202100159

Connective Tissue: (relevant for sclera and axial length)

Summary: After 3 days under 628 nm light, mitochondrial respiratory and antioxidant genes are upregulated and apoptotic and stress-related genes are downregulated in human fibroblasts due to activation of cytochrome c oxidase.

Study: cDNA microarray analysis of gene expression profiles in human fibroblast cells irradiated with red light.

Zhang Y, Song S, Fong CC, Tsang CH, Yang Z, Yang M J Invest Dermatol. 2003 May; 120(5):849-57. [PubMed] [Ref list]

Near Infrared Light:

Title: “Quantum Leap” in Photobiomodulation Therapy Ushers in a New Generation of Light-Based Treatments for Cancer and Other Complex Diseases: Perspective and Mini-Review Abstract: Set within the context of the 2015 International Year of Light and Light-Based Technologies,and of a growing and aging world population with ever-rising healthcare needs, this perspective and mini-review focuses on photobiomodulation (PBM) therapy as an emerging, cost-effective, treatment option for cancer (i.e., solid tumors) and other complex diseases, particularly, of the eye (e.g., age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, retinitis pigmentosa) and the central nervous system (e.g., Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease).

Source: Photomed Laser Surg . 2016 Mar;34(3):93-101. doi: 10.1089/pho.2015.4015. Epub 2016 Feb 18. Link: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4782038/


Light penetration from NIR light rely on target tissues, wavelengths, and sources of NIR light. NIR light is safe but effective. Within near-infrared wavelengths, light can penetrate eyes at maximal level, but absorption of light by cornea and lens is at minimal level (approximately 10%) 95. The neurons from retina require high energy, or mitochondrial ATP to satisfy tissue requirements 96-98. Like other neurons, retinal neurons are very sensitive to depletion of glucose or lack of energy, oxidative stress and malfunction of mitochondria 99, 100. Mitochondrial malfunction plays a critical role in retinal neurodegeneration 101. Optic neuron damages are characterized by high morbidity and mortality, without any effective treatments at present 102-105. Alzheimer's patients have fewer retinal ganglion cells, ganglion axons, than healthy people 104, 106, 107. Leber's optic neuropathy, a mitochondrial disease, can lead to ~2% of all blindness patients in this world 108. Therefore, cellular degeneration from retinal ganglion cells is a major health problem in this world. Other genetic disorders include Leigh syndrome 109, 110, Friedreich's ataxia 111, myoclonic epilepsy due to ragged-red-fibers 112, mitochondrial acidosis and strokes 113, spastic paraplegia 114, and optic atrophy syndrome 115. Therefore, NIR light is significant for applications to eye and neuron therapies to retinal damage by correction of mitochondrial disorders. For instance, the beneficial NIR light can reverse optic nerve injuries by use of helium-neon laser in models of rabbit and rat 116, 117. In all, NIR light is effective on moderate certain injuries of eyes and nerves.

Source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7738953/

RVO/Macular Edema:

Title: Near-Infrared Light Photobiomodulation Treatment for Retinal Vein Occlusion Macular Oedema (NIRVO)

Link: clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04847869

Relevant Sources:


Article: Red light for vision and eye health

Source: https://redlightman.com/blog/red-light-restores-vision-and-eye-health/

Clinical Praxis™ Therapeutics

Red Nightlight Therapy:

A New Scientific Method for Rejuvenating Sleep

If you are reading this at 3 AM, chances are you are among 70 million Americans who suffer from some kind of sleep disorder.

Perhaps you are also frustrated by the unfavorable results of sleeping pills, or you seem like lack of sleep is diminishing your lifestyle.

Somewhere in your late-night internet research study, you stumbled upon a red light treatment for sleep, and you are questioning, How does that work?

Before we dive into how getting red light therapy prior to bed can enhance your ability to drop off to sleep, stay asleep, and awaken feeling revitalized and rested the next early morning, we need to first comprehend sleep disorders and their relationship to light.

What are Sleep Disorders and How Do They Affect You?

A sleep condition is a catch-all expression for conditions that prevent appropriate, peaceful sleep.

Lack of sleep is a widespread issue with major consequences, such as auto accidents, impaired cognition, and a host of health concerns including shortened life-spans.

Common Types of Sleep Disorders

Researchers have recognized around 90 distinct kinds of sleep conditions. Here are the most typical ones:

Insomnia is the most commonly reported sleep disorder, impacting 10 percent of Americans. It's defined as having difficulty falling asleep or remaining asleep, even with the opportunity to get a full night's sleep, and not due to compound usage or medication conditions.

Sleep apnea is irregular and frequently disturbed breathing during sleep. It adds to hormone imbalances, the advancement of hypertension, arrhythmias, coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, stroke, and diabetes.

Narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia is clinically considerable extreme daytime sleepiness that is not due to circadian sleep condition, sleep-disordered breathing, sleep deprivation, or any recognized medical conditions.

Circadian rhythm conditions are environmentally-related or lifestyle-caused sleep disorders. Jet lag, shift work, competitive work cultures (i.e., keeping up late to work), as well as easy access to TV and the Internet, have actually all been found to adversely affect sleep.

Consequences of Sleep Disorders

The different sleep disorders are somewhat various in the methods they manifest, however most share these common signs:

Excessive and unrestrained daytime drowsiness;

Difficulty dropping off to sleep or remaining asleep;

High incidence of headaches, sleepwalking, or other abnormal sleep habits; Restless legs syndrome;

Clinically significant psychological distress (irritation,, stress, and anxiety);

Social and occupational impairment, including falling asleep at the wheel or on the job.

A periodic sleepless night is not a problem; but if sleep deprivation becomes chronic, the cumulative, long-term results seriously impact an individual's lifestyle.

The general public health effects of sleep conditions are extremely severe as well.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, sleepy driving slows response times, impacts decision-making, and makes for a sidetracked chauffeur.

This is a prevalent problem: one in 25 adult chauffeurs reports going to sleep at the wheel at least once within the previous 30 days.

It's no wonder, then, that drowsy driving is one of the main reasons for traffic deaths.

In 2013, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that drowsy driving resulted in 72,000 accidents, 44,000 injuries, and 800 deaths.

However, the numbers might be higher, with approximately 6,000 yearly traffic deaths arising from drowsy driving.

And it's not just on the road where accidents take place.

Even the Challenger space shuttle disaster resulted from an error in judgment due to sleep deprivation.

Lack of Sleep: The Hidden Cause of Many Health Challenges

Despite a strong link between sleep loss and persistent health conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes, doctors may not always ask patients "Are you getting adequate sleep?" during the health history portion of an examination.

Partially as a result, up to 90 percent of adults struggling with sleep conditions such as sleep apnea go undiagnosed.

This is unfortunate, considering that sleep disorders are so important to correct in order to heal ourselves.

Left unattended, chronic sleep disorders have enormous effect on health and well-being.

Some of the well-known effects include severe automobile accidents, and loss of work efficiency.

Others are chronic issues like weight problems and hypertension.

It stands to reason that if physicians aren't regularly inquiring about a patient's quality of sleep, the origin of these conditions may go unattended.

How Light Affects Your Sleep

Light is a crucial factor in your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep.

However, when it comes to sleep, different wavelengths of light can have opposite impacts on your capacity for sleep.

Our genetics has hardwired our bodies to respond differently to the varying spectrum of light supplied through the day by the changing angle of the sun, and then the light of the moon, stars and firelight at night.

When light hits your eye, it's detected by photosensitive cells in the retina called photoreceptors.

These cells send messages to the hypothalamus, which manages your body's biological rhythm, or body clock, in the suprachiasmatic nucleus.

From there, signals are sent out of the head by the autonomic nervous system, and then they travel back to the center of the head to signal the pineal gland.

The pineal responds to night-time signals like fire light and white light no brighter than that of the full moon by releasing a hormone called melatonin, the hormone of darkness.

Humans are the only species with this circuitous regulatory pathway.

Other species' pineal glands are located at the top of their skulls, so they are designed to receive environmental light signals directly.

The human pineal is sequestered in the center of the skull, so that by the time the cranial sutures close with growth and development, the pineal is protected from direct light exposure.

It is possible that this may allow the human pineal gland to communicate on other frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Otherwise, there would be no adaptive reason for the pineal gland to migrate to a dark location in the center of the head.

Studies on 'psychic' communication between people shows that there is a specific time of when overall transpersonal communication goes to zero...

That time is sidereal noon...

That is, when the galactic center of the Milky Way is closest to the zenith of the sky.

Perhaps as cell's in God's body, we are truly galactic and celestial citizens, in communication with God's universal body.

It is also noted that on autopsy the pineal gland is found to be facing either up or down.

Are we seeking the light of truth, or hiding ourselves in the darkness?


Scientists describe melatonin as the chemical that opens the 'sleep gate'; put simply, it assists make your body feel sleepy.

The ups and downs of our circadian rhythm are based on the amount of blue and red light we receive in the natural cosmic environment.

Blue wavelengths of light deliver very high energy photons; Red wavelengths of light are energetically more gentle.

Until a few thousand years ago, there wasn't even a word for blue in various human languages.

One possibility, contemplated in the Electric Universe hypothesis, is that our cosmic environment may have gone through a radical shift to what we see today.

In the past, the earth may have been bathed in a constant red glow inside the photosphere of a red dwarf sun...

In any case, the message from the optic nerve to the biological clock in the suprachiasmatic nucleus is color sensitive.

The message that gets sent to the hypothalamus by blue-light photoreceptors is, "Wake up!"

And it doesn't matter what time of day or night this blue light appears...

We're going to get up because our brain is informing us to.

It's worth keeping in mind that the hypothalamus also governs hormone balance, metabolic process, and immune function, indicating these important functions are tied to, and influenced by, our circadian rhythm and light frequencies.

Our integrated sleep/wake cycle makes sense when you consider how human beings lived countless years ago.

Long before light bulbs and iPhones the sun, in all its full spectrum glory was our ancestors dominant light.

Once the sun set, they spent evenings in relative darkness and waning firelight, effectively setting their biological rhythms to sleep mode.

Today, modern-day life tinkers with our body clocks.

We spend a lot of time indoors, bathed in artificial light, night and day, and it is not only brighter at night than our bodies are designed for, and about 1% as bright during the day, but also deficient in red and excess in blue, especially late in the day.

As you can imagine, these routines negatively impact our quality of sleep.

Now, not everybody's body clock is adapted exactly the same.

If you're a night owl, your body clock is a little longer than 24 hours; if you're an early bird, it's a little shorter.

Staying up after 11 PM, you start burning your Wood Element energy essential for the liver and gallbladder, but also the eyes.

That's why we say that 1 hour of sleep before midnight is worth 2 hours after midnight...

However whether you're the last one to bed or the first to rise, direct exposure to light after dark reduces the production of melatonin and thus interferes with sleep.

During the day, natural sunlight is best.

In the evening, it's essential to pick your light sources very carefully, especially if you experience any kind of persistent sleep condition.

Here's how blue light and red light impact your ability to get enough sleep.

Blue Light Keeps You Alert

Blue light is frequently touted only as a culprit, but that's unfair, too.

As part of the regular spectrum of sunshine throughout the day, blue light serves as an advantageous stimulant, increasing alertness, mood, attention, and reaction times.

It is also important for decreasing overactivity in the nervous system, and for activating the parasympathic division of the autonomic nervous system responsible for "rest and digest" functions.

However blue light is not what you want when you're attempting to sleep.

Blue light exposure in the evening has been related to increased awareness.

Research into the adverse impacts of blue light, such as that emitted by computers, mobile phones, and energy-efficient lighting, shows a direct connection between nighttime blue light direct exposure and sleep conditions.

This is because even low levels of blue light shut off the pineal's secretion of melatonin, the key hormone that controls the sleep-wake cycle of every cell in the body.

Blue light is so stimulating that it can substantially shift body clocks, anywhere between 1.5 to 3 hours, similar to the effects of jetlag.

This shift, which is also obvious during seasonal time changes, is linked to increased traffic accident deaths, on top of the already dire drowsy-driving data.

What Color Light Helps You Sleep?

Red Light.

Unlike excess blue light, deep red light doesn't shut down the pineal, and it can help you relax, like watching a campfire...

Its low color temperature has a calming effect on the body, and it's the most favorable wavelength of light for an excellent night's sleep.

Using red light in the evening or at night can help your body shift into its sleep cycle more naturally.

Red Light and Endurance Performance

Light Bulbs to Avoid Before Sleep

Researchers have discovered promising evidence of red light 's advantages for sleep.

One current study took a look at how red-light impacted the sleep quality and subsequent endurance performance of elite female basketball players.

Twenty athletes were divided up and take into either a red light sleep group or a control group.

The red light individuals got 30 minutes of exposure to a red light gadget every day, for 2 weeks.

The control group got no red light treatment.

The red light group revealed significant enhancement in sleep and serum melatonin levels and they demonstrated increased endurance efficiency.

What this indicates for you:

Red light can help you sleep much better, while delivering other physical advantages, such as stimulating energy production in cells, as discovered in this study.

Another peer-reviewed research study showed that red light therapy has the potential to increase physical and mental energy and endurance.

Red Light and Sleep Inertia

Sleep inertia (that hard-to-shake groggy sensation upon awakening) is another common side effect of chronic sleep deprivation and one that red light has actually been shown to ease, according to a research study published by a sleep research study journal.

In this experiment, participants received red light while they were sleeping and upon waking, through red-light masks and safety glasses. During the 3 weeks of treatment, many individuals reported experiencing more restful sleep and feeling more alert upon waking.

They also performed better on cognitive tests.

What this suggests for you:

If you are a shift employee, first responder, or physician and you are permitted short naps at work, direct exposure to red light can help you feel more alert and focused on the task.

Red Light Therapy for Sleep?

At this point, you are most likely questioning if you should switch out your lightbulbs for red ones, or go with a high-quality LED red light device.

It is worth keeping in mind that most regular red bulbs on the market do not produce red light, they are just tinted red.

And while this does filter out the blue light frequencies, it won't have the same effect as bulbs that emit specific healing frequencies within the red light band.

The perfect place to start is with red nightlights in your bathroom and hallway, so you can see your way to the toilet without turning on any lights, eliminating all exposure to blue frequencies during the night that would otherwise disrupt melatonin secretion often for hours or the whole rest of the night...

In the evening you can wear blue-blocker glasses when looking at screens like television that aren't easily adjusted to remove blue light.

Phones and computers should be set to automatically remove blue light from sunset to sunrise...

For directions for your specific device, go here.

The most powerful healing results are from red LED 'soft laser' lights designed with a wavelength that stimulates the mitochondria.

This is the type of light you should at least use in your bedroom, so the exposed skin of your face, as well as your eyes including the retina can be rejuvenating while you sleep.

This type of light therapy tool, or photobiomodulation device and is an excellent way to recover health, and enhance sleep quality which is so essential to healing the body.

Red Light Sleep Therapy

Light treatment is becoming a popular and effective method to heal many health conditions, including skin problems, persistent discomfort, hair loss, and muscle recovery.

But there's a host of other advantages to enjoy from red light therapy including simply better rest.

Red light therapy uses visible light between 630 nm (nanometers) and 660 nm, which is at the opposite end of the visible light spectrum from hazardous ultraviolet and blue light which interferes with circadian rhythms.

With its much longer wavelength, red light penetrates much deeper into the skin, providing its metabolic benefits to the cells and tissue beneath the skin.

It's been shown to reduce discomfort, slow swelling, and promote healing in broken cells and damaged tissues.

What does this have to do with sleep?

Your physical state impacts your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep.

And much of our best healing takes place once we are deep asleep...

Minimizing discomfort and inflammation, and accelerating the healing process, can help promote great sleep by supporting accelerated self healing on the physical tissue level, in addition to the psychoneuroendocrine regulatory effects.

When you are bathed in a red glow like a fire's embers, sleep comes on easier!

Add NIR to Boost Recovery and Health

While red light offers tremendous health benefits, including better sleep and restful healing, it's made even more profound when used in combination with near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths for specific daytime self-healing therapies.

The NIR range of light that activates the mitochondria starts above 809 nm and these frequencies permeate much deeper into the body tissues than any of the visible spectrum.

Hold a red flashlight against your hand, and you can see the light coming through...

Apply an infrared healing tool to the body, and the photonic energy can penetrate many inches into the tissues, or even penetrate the skull to light up healing in the brain.

We have developed specific healing tools for this purpose, combining both the visible red wavelengths and the invisible NIR wavelengths for maximum clinical efficiency.

One is a hand-held soft laser, which also modulates the light intensity at 172 Hz to attract Spirit Mineral™ activity to the healing process.

Another is a helmet to stimulate head and brain healing, with the capacity to modulate the intensity at frequencies including the alpha rhythm for physical brain healing, the gamma rhythm for memory and cognition, as well as the Dominant Harmonic Frequency of Nature, 172 Hz, to accelerate all aspects of healing and spiritual development.

The Harmony Soft Laser is ideal for stimulation of deep internal organs, such as the kidneys and the liver.

Caution is generally used around the gut, and the thyroid gland, and NIR soft lasers should not be pointed at the open eyes, since the eyes are designed to concentrate light like a magnifying glass...

There are fewer studies on NIR in relation to sleep, but it certainly helps with recovery and total health, which is very supportive for rest and relaxation...

Red Nightlights have Side-Benefits, unlike Sleeping Pills...

Ideally, we need to spend about one-third of our lives asleep.

7 to 8 hours per night is a good range.

Being chronically sleep-deprived has major consequences to health, cognition, productivity, physical and psychological efficiency, and our emotional state.

Why not have red lights come on automatically in the evening as soon as it's dark?

Red light photobiomodulation is emerging as a possible alternative to sleeping pills, in addition to a way to promote cellular healing by decreasing sleep disturbance caused by physical problems and interference with the normal circadian rhythm.

Start reducing your exposure to blue light after dark and get red nightlights to support a better night's sleep without side effects.

Your Next Step...

Now that you understand how light impacts your sleep and what you can do about it, have a look at the high-quality red light devices we have developed for your Self Healing Oasis.

You can start experiencing the benefits in the comfort of your own home, even while you sleep...

Click Here To Learn More

Red Light Solutions

Red Nightlight Healing Support for Eyes, Face and Pineal:

Biocompatible Night Light

Pineal Sparing Night Light

The pineal gland produces Melatonin while we sleep.

Melatonin is the hormone of darkness that synchronizes the body's diurnal rhythms.

It is the only hormone that communicates with every cell in the body.

It is also the only hormone that communicates directly with the nucleus of each cell.

Most hormones communicate with the cell membrane, triggering intracellular messenger molecules...

White light at night any brighter than the full moon carry enough blue light to suppress the pineal's activity, sometimes for hours, or even the rest of the night.

For any night-time trips to the bathroom, place our pineal sparing night lights as needed to light the path.

Red light also spares your night vision, so you can see in the dark after exposure to the red night light...


Our Biocompatible Nightlight is designed by Glen Swartwout, Doctor of Optometry and Natural Medicine... known as the Wizard of Wellness.


Dr. Glen learned from Professor Russel Reiter, the world's leading authority on the pineal gland and melatonin, that only red light preserves pineal function at night.


He searched for a biocompatible night light solution for years to preserve melatonin production by the pineal gland, and finally we made our Biocompatible Nightlight which filters white LED light through a red filter.


The Biocompatible Nightlight is perfect for hallways, bathrooms and other areas where nighttime navigation may be desired without having to turn on white light sources that can disrupt sleep for the rest of the night.

What Else Can You Do for Better Sleep?

For optimum sleep, eliminate other light sources, and EMF sources in the bedroom as well. Check out our book, Electromagnetic Pollution Solutions for guidance, and wear a Mithreal™ Silver hat.

 If you need to navigate at night beyond the bounds of areas illuminated by your night light, check out our powerful night-vision sparing and pineal sparing Red Flashlight.


For additional sleep support, you'll love our excipient-free, pure and potent Functional Formulations™:

• Sleep Synergy to help you fall asleep, or to help you get back to sleep during the night...

• Brain Cleanse to help you fall asleep and ensure that your brain's glymphatic drainage system is working through the night.


• Current research in cancer and weight loss is using up to 200 mg of Melatonin per night. Doses up to 1000 mg are non-toxic with no negative side effects. We produce Melatonin Max at 100 mg

We also offer night vision and pineal sparing flashlights, as well as a therapeutic red flashlight that stimulates mitochondrial activity in the skin and eyes for accelerated healing...

Biocompatible Night Light
Therapeutic Night Light

Eye & Skin Healing Night Light

Our Therapeutic Red Night Light is a unique healing soft laser nightlight that turns itself on automatically in low light conditions, so you can navigate safely in the dark, and heal your eyes while you sleep...


How many healing tools can you benefit from every day (or night) by simply plugging it in once and letting it do its work automatically?


Unique features: 


• 660 nm wavelength soft laser Therapeutic Red Light

• Built-in light sensor control for 100% automatic operation

• 3-Year Warranty

Navigate the night without disrupting your night vision, or disrupting your crucial pineal gland function.


Just plug in the nightlight in your bedroom, bathroom, or anywhere you need nighttime navigation, without disrupting night vision or sleep.


"5 M's" Photobiomodulation Benefits:


• Melatonin: Avoid suppression of both night vision and the pineal gland’s secretion of melatonin, caused by exposure to blue light, or the blue component of white light. Melatonin is the main endocrine regulator of the diurnal cycle and the main nighttime hormone. It is the only hormone that goes directly to the nucleus of every cell rather than communicating through cell membrane receptors and intracellular messengers only in select tissues like other hormones. Melatonin is highly correlated with longevity and anti-aging.

• Mitochondria: The quantum resonance of 660 nm photons activates cellular respiration for improved cell energy and function. This is one of the main light frequencies used in Photobiomodulation therapies.


• Macula: The central area of vision is given dual support with the Therapeutic Night Light. First, Melatonin supplementation has been found to support macular health and function in clinical research. Second, optimizing mitochondrial activity is key to maintaining cellular health in every cell in the body, but especially in the macula since it requires the highest metabolic activity of any tissue. Mitochondrial dysfunction is salient in all neurodegenerative processes... The eyes will naturally fixate a red light in the dark, without impairing night vision, providing intermittent mitochondrial stimulation every time you get up during the night, without even thinking about it.


• Myopia: A recent study found a relationship between myopia progression and sleep issues. Other studies are finding that red light therapies reduce myopia progression. The largest study found 69.4% less growth of the eye's axial length, and 76.6% less progression in the myopic spherical equivalent power. They see a rebound effect if the light therapy is discontinued, so we recommend continual application for sustained results. 

Source: Salzano AD, Khanal S, Cheung NL, et al. Repeated low-level red-light therapy: the next wave in myopia management? Optom Vis Sci. October 25, 2023.

The red light stimulates an increase in the thickness of the choroid, the vascular layer behind the retina. Long wavelength red and infrared light focus further back in the eye than UV and most visible wavelengths. Specific frequencies of red and infrared energize the mitochondria of the tissues including the vasculature of the choroid, as well as the white blood cells in the circulation there. All of the body's blood volume passes through the eyes every 40 minutes, receiving this ambient light stimulation. Modern LED and fluorescent light bulbs may be energy efficient for man-made electricity, but they lack the red and infrared energies that are needed for healthy energy function in the cells of our eye tissues and our blood. 


• Methylene Blue therapy is often combined with 660 nm light for additional therapeutic effects in exposed skin tissue for those taking Methylene Blue. Even in the absence of Methylene Blue, the mitochondria of the skin are activated by the 660 nm light.


• More... Melatonin is the main nighttime regulator of detoxification of the brain tissue including the retina, by opening the recently discovered lymph-like glymphatic drainage channels in the brain. It is the main regulator of intraocular pressure (IOP) at night, so the Melatonin sparing effects of the night light are supportive for those with Glaucoma or Ocular Hypertension. The mitochondrial activation in the retina and other eye tissues is also very supportive for those with any eye health challenges.







Our Therapeutic Nightlight is designed by Glen Swartwout, Doctor of Optometry and Natural Medicine... known as the Wizard of Wellness.


Dr. Glen learned from Professor Russel Reiter, the world's leading authority on the pineal gland and melatonin, that only red light preserves pineal function at night.


He searched for a biocompatible night light solution for years to preserve melatonin production by the pineal gland, and finally we made our Biocompatible Nightlight which filters white LED light through a red filter.


The Biocompatible Nightlight is perfect for hallways, bathrooms and other areas where nighttime navigation may be desired without having to turn on white light sources that can disrupt sleep for the rest of the night.


Now we've added an upgraded design with a 660 nanometer (nm) soft laser light source that specifically activates the mitochondria!


Our unique new Therapeutic Nightlight design is ideal for the bedroom, and can be used anywhere in the house.


Because red light can reach all of the tissues in the eye even when the eyes are closed, the Therapeutic Nightlight is a healing tool for the eyes that works even while you sleep.


The nightlight is typically plugged into a socket near the baseboard, so the light is reflected off the walls and ceiling for a diffuse red glow like the embers of a fire.


In the case where less light is desired, such as a placement within the visual field when lying in bed, we have designed an add-on optical dimmer for continuous manual light control between 0% and 50% of the full unfiltered output.

What Else Can You Do to Heal While You Sleep?


For optimum sleep, eliminate other light sources, and EMF sources in the bedroom as well. Check out our book, Electromagnetic Pollution Solutions for guidance, and wear a Mithreal™ Silver hat.

 If you need to navigate at night beyond the bounds of areas illuminated by your night light, check out our powerful red night-vision sparing and pineal sparing Flashlight.


For additional sleep support, you'll love our excipient-free, pure and potent Functional Formulations™:

• Sleep Synergy to help you fall asleep, or to help you get back to sleep during the night...

• Brain Cleanse to help you fall asleep and ensure that your brain's glymphatic drainage system is working through the night.

Therapeutic Night Light

Daytime Therapy Tools with Red + Infrared Low Level Laser Therapy for Brain and Body:

Brain Helmet

Our NIR Brain Frequency Helmet is a tremendous advance in healing for the Central Nervous System (CNS).

The light frequency activates mitochondrial activity to increase cellular metabolism.

The mitochondria are deficient in degenerative conditions, and when their function is restored they make over 90% of the cells energy from oxidative metabolism.

The NIR light also structures living water which provides energy directly to support cellular function, while also acting as an exclusion zone for toxins, wastes, and debris...

The flash rate of the soft lasers can be set between 1 Hz and 8900 Hz in 1 Hz increments.

This allows you to set the frequency according to a variety of protocols, such as 10 Hz for physical healing in Parkinson's or 40 Hz for memory improvement in Alzheimer's...

Based on our Clinical Theory™ of Everything, we suggest exploring frequencies at or near the octave harmonics of the Dominant Harmonic Frequency of Nature, 172 Hz...

This is a powerful and flexible healing tool for the brain...

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Harmony Soft Laser

The Harmony Soft Laser uses frequencies of red and Infrared light that activate the mitochondria...

The power of Near Infrared is that it penetrates several inches deep into the body, so you can treat your internal organs with this soft laser.

Because the eye's tissues produce a concentrated optical focus of light, including Infrared frequencies, the laser is not used directly in the eyes.

For healing the tissues of the eye, we use the laser on the tissues around the eyes, where the surrounding sinuses and the electroacupuncture points that are linked to the different parts of the eye are located.

Our Harmony Laser is made uniquely for us with a 172 Hz frequency so you will be creating a harmonic field that attracts the spirit minerals.

The spirit minerals are condensates of the transition minerals that make up the conscious spirit body.

They bring added healing power based on their quantum dynamic properties of superfluidity, superconductivity, bilocation and consciousness...

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© Copyclaim 2023

Remedy Match LLC, DBA Healing Oasis

[email protected]

PO Box 126 Hilo, Hawai'i-Kingdom [96721]

+1 (808) 217-9647

[*"The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."] T.D.C.